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7 Awesome Feel-Good Things to Do This Autumn

7 Awesome Feel-Good Things to Do This Autumn

It's no secret that here at Holé HQ we're big fans of autumn, so to spread a bit of love for what we think is a magical season, we share 7 awesome things for you to do this autumn...

Awesome autumn

1. Learn something new

With the shorter days and drop in temperature we can often find ourselves spending more time indoors, so why not put that time to good use and learn something new?

Whether it's a language, a new meditation technique or learning a new craft, as the nights begin to draw in, now is a great time to use the long evenings to your advantage.

Perhaps you have a hobby that you used to do, or feel that you no longer have time for? Perhaps you've always fancied having a go at knitting a scarf or painting with water colours?

Whatever it is, if like many of us you find you're starting to spend more time indoors, put that time to good use and you'll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment as a result!

2. Random acts of kindness

Whilst it can be tempting to go into hibernation mode, getting out there and mingling and interacting with people (especially if you're self-isolating or still working from home due to the pandemic) can do you the world of good.

It's not just interacting with other people that can beneficial though, kind acts will result in even greater benefits.

Did you know that not only interacting with people, but doing something good for someone else can boost your mood? Of course, we'd like to think that a random act of kindness is a purely altruistic act, but the truth is, evidence shows that when you do something kind, your brain releases feel-good chemicals including dopamine and serotonin.

3. Do something for your wellbeing

Getting into the habit of practicing gratitude is a great way to enhance your wellbeing. A new podcast available on BBC sounds called The Happiness Half Hour uses science-backed evidence to bring you heaps of handy tips that will help to improve your wellbeing.

Keeping a gratitude journal is just one thing that could help you. Instead of being wrapped in your busy every day life, keeping a journal can help you be more mindful because the act gives you time and space to reflect on everything you have to be grateful about.

This time of year can be particularly difficult for those who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so make sure that you make a committment to look after your wellbeing. Whatever self care looks like for you, make a pledge to yourself to make it a priority and find time to look after yourself regularly.

4. Enjoy some comfort food

Last month we mentioned that one of great things about autumn and the colder weather is the return of comfort food. A big warming casserole or a hearty homemade soup score high on the feel-good factor!

There are lots of tasty things that are in season now, so get out those cookery books and get creative in the kitchen. There really are few things more satisfying than coming home to the smell of something delicious that's been cooking away in a slow cooker all day!

Girls night in

5. Catch up with family or friends before the hectic party season (if you can)

Now obviously this tip comes with a rather large caveat. As the global pandemic is still causing mayhem and with local lockdowns in place up and down the UK, of course, we only recommend catching up with family and friends if you are observing all relevant social distancing, local and national guidelines.

October usually heralds the start of the party season with Halloween, bonfire night and then of course Christmas and New Year on the horizon. This time of year can be a busy one, so before things get too hectic, now is a great time to spend some time with your mates and your nearest and dearest, if of course it's safe and legal for you to do so!

Organise a small girly night at home, get some great food delivered (or cook something delicious!), pop some Prosecco in the fridge and spend some quality time with your squad, or organise a fun night out to blow away the cobwebs, just remember that whatever you do, in these strange times, make sure you're adhering to social-distancing rules and put the health of you and other people first.

6. Spend some time outdoors

The cooler weather doesn't mean that the outdoors is suddenly off limits. In fact October can be a lovely time of year to get outside. Wrap up warm and go for a walk, to really blow away the cobwebs head to the countryside and enjoy a hill walk.

All the fresh air will do you the world of good and being immersed in nature can also help to stabalise your mood and enhance your wellbeing.

Getting outside in autumn

7. Organise your wardrobe and give things away

OK so as far as awesome activities go, organising your wardrobe might not be top of your list, but trust us, a good clear out can have a really positive impact on your wellbeing.

We're all sometimes guilty of buying too much (which can not only dent your bank balance, but can lead to a cluttered home that can actually increase stress levels!) so taking stock of what you've already got makes sense.

Not only that, but if you discover clothing lurking in the back of your wardrobe that you've not worn in years, give it away! Think about that pair of pre-pregnancy jeans you've been stubbornly hanging on to because you were determined to fit back into them one day or those heels you love but can't manage to wear for more than 20 minutes without being in agony....learning to let go can have a hugely cathartic effect.

Not only that, if you do choose to part with items from your wardrobe you can give them a new lease of life by selling them on, or better yet, giving them away to charity.

Whatever is lurking in the back of your wardrobe, remember to keep your clothes in pristine condition with Holé button covers.


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